chiropractic & you

At our office, our favorite thing is to see all members of the family, from 0-100! Our warm and loving environment is the perfect space for you and your loved ones to begin your journey of healing, wellness, and a life of doing more of what you love…as a whole family together!

As chiropractors who are specialized in pediatric care, Dr. Liz and Dr. Lindsay care for people both big and small! There are several specified techniques the doctors include in their care to support the growing bodies and minds of little ones; removing subluxation is important for development because all functions in the body are controlled by the nervous system! Adjustments are fun, engaging, and effective for children; we strive to create an experience in which they cannot wait until their next visit to the office!



Spinal alignment is equally as important for babies as it is for adults. When performing an adjustment, the doctors are feeling the spine for misalignment, and gently moving the vertebrae in order to remove nervous system interference. These interferences, called subluxations, inhibit proper neurotransmission from brain to body, which over time leads to dysfunction and disease. We often find that birth alone is trauma for babies, and that too many little ones are starting their lives from day one already subluxated. With the techniques used by Dr. Liz and Dr. Lindsay, adjustments are gentle and painless for adults and little ones alike.



With growing and developing bodies, chiropractic care is an essential part of your child’s overall wellness! As active and alway-moving little ones, our children seem to be prone to slips, falls, and other physical stressors; subluxation is an unfortunate inevitable part of humanity, in all ages. This is why we have such a strong passion for caring for children and ensuring they are receiving the care they need as well! Children are often the least-seen population within chiropractic care; we are here to make a change!



As children transition into adulthood, several new changes and challenges are presented. Because we are specialized in pediatric care, that also means we are specialized in the development of older children and teens, and the changes and demands their bodies undergo.


PREgnant mamas

Because the entire body's function is governed by the nervous system, spinal alignment is crucial in that its focus is the removal of subluxation, which causes nerve signal interference. This is impactful to the health of both mama and baby, as both rely on the messages and signals sent from the brain. Pregnancy brings forth unique changes which can be difficult for the body to adapt with; rapid expansion along with high levels of relaxin often lead to increased subluxation. The doctors include specialized care techniques to address mama’s specific needs.



After birth, mama's body continues to undergo rapid and drastic changes as it heals and adjusts to its new purposes and demands. Birth, nursing, and retraction are all factors which can bring forth an increase in subluxation. At our office, we provide the care and support needed for all new mamas; Dr. Liz and Dr. Lindsay continue Webster Technique adjustments to support the womb as it heals. Doctors Liz and Lindsay also are specialized in lactation and feeding support, infant development, and newborn chiropractic care!


All members of the family

While we are a practice specialized in prenatal, postnatal, and pediatric care, we welcome all members of the family within the office, and love caring for everyone together!