
Do you take insurance?

At our office we accept HSA or FSA (Health savings accounts or flex savings accounts) that some people have through their insurance or employer, other than that we are a cash office meaning we accept cash, check, cards or venmo. Our focus is on your health and most times insurance companies limit the amount of visits for an individual just based on their insurance plan, not on their health. This allows us to see the whole family as well as keep our costs similar to what you’d pay with a co-pay.

what techniques do the doctors practice?

Both Dr. Liz and Dr. Lindsay use Diversified, Gonstead, Activator, Arthrostim, Webster, and Cranio-Sacral techniques in their adjusting styles. Both doctors have also completed additional education and training to be specialized in prenatal and pediatric care.

can the doctors help me with _______ ?

Dr. Liz and Dr. Lindsay have worked with several different patients over the years, and each with their own individual traumas, lifestyles, stress levels, and areas of discomfort. The large majority of our patients have seen excellent results with chiropractic care! The first step is to set up an initial assessment to allow the doctors to get more information on what is going on with you and your body specifically to see how they can best go forward with care. After the Initial Exam, the doctors will provide a care plan and extra recommendations to help you achieve your health goals!

Do they have to “crack/pop” my neck?

The doctors have many tools and techniques that they use to tailor the adjustment to the person and individual based on their needs and comfort level. One of the great things about both Dr. Liz and Dr. Lindsay is that they are thorough in their explanation and will talk with you about what they’re doing, and why. If you have any concerns, we encourage you bring that up with them at your visit!

Do I have to keep coming back?

Well, yes and no…that depends on your wellness goals! All functions in the body are dependent on the nervous system. The brain sends signals down the spinal cord, out the nerves, and to the body. Subluxation interrupts these signals causing dysfunction, which often leads to disease. If your goal is to have continuous flow of the brain’s transmission to the body for function and wellness, then yes, you need to be adjusted for life! However, if your goal is to relieve the twinge in your neck or low back and escape the discomfort, then no, just come back when you are in pain again.

How long is an adjustment?

At your first visit you can expect to be here for about an hour, that way the doctors can do a thorough health history, education, physical exam, and then get you adjusted! After the initial visit your adjustments will be about 15 minutes long, and will require an appointment.

what can I expect at my first visit?

At your initial visit, you can expect to be in the office for about 1 hour. In this time, we will take an in-depth medical history, give a brief description of our practice, perform a posture exam, check the spine and range of motion, explain our findings, and perform an adjustment. Chiropractic adjustments are very safe and low-risk; you may experience muscle soreness the next day.


Yes! We are proud to be an office serving both English, and Spanish-speaking communities! With both a doctor and a front-desk assistant who are fluent in Spanish, we are able to provide top quality care with clear communication!


Is chiropractic safe during pregnancy?

Yes, it is even encouraged, mama! Doctors Liz and Lindsay practice a specialized prenatal technique called the Webster Technique, which focuses on equilibrium in the womb, ligament tension release, baby positioning, and pelvic alignment. Webster technique has been proven to decrease labor times, c-section rates, birth interventions, and discomfort during pregnancy! The doctors pair this with your regular spinal adjustments to ensure both you and baby have full nervous system expression in the body and can experience pregnancy comfortably!

Why take my newborn to a chiropractor?

Because all functions in the body are controlled by the nervous system, a baby’s ability to latch, nurse, digest, have bowel movements, and properly develop are dependent on the signal of nerve messages from the brain to the rest of the body. For the large majority of infants, birth itself can cause subluxation of the spine, interrupting baby’s neurotransmission and overall function. As chiropractors, we gently adjust the spine, cranium, and palate of the baby to restore their full functional capability!

How long have the doctors been in practice?

The doctors have been adjusting patients in their own practice since 2016!

Where did the doctors attend school?

Both doctors went to school at Life Chiropractic College West in Hayward, CA. and have done extra training outside of school to specialize in pediatric and prenatal chiropractic care through the ICPA (International Chiropractic Pediatric Association).